We all need somewhere to call home
Whoever we are, wherever we live, everyone needs a place to call home. A roof over our heads, a door to shut on difficult days, a place to rest and recharge.
But many of us, for many reasons - family breakdown, the cost of housing in the UK or civil unrest overseas - are forced to flee our homes. With no shelter or safety, life is full of fear and anxiety, and never knowing who you can trust. Or if anyone is on your side. Day in, day out.

Over 300,000 people in the UK won’t have a place to call home this winter. Many will have lost everything – homes, safety, and the people they love, or who love them.
That's why, right now, Comic Relief and The Standard are working with brilliant projects across the UK. Together we're helping give a warm welcome and a sense of belonging to people living homeless, or arriving here with nowhere to call home.
Together, we can offer people a new beginning. Please donate today.

Please Donate What You Can
This winter, help give people warm welcomes, a warm bed and the warmth of a caring community.
Imagine not knowing where you’ll sleep tomorrow
As the days get darker and colder, winter is the harshest time for people living homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Unfortunately, thousands of young people across the UK escape dangerous situations at home and could face homelessness. They could be living in fear on the streets, sleeping on sofas, floors or worse - never knowing when they'll have to move on and face the trauma of finding another place to just lay their head for the night. It can be frightening and lonely.
And for people fleeing danger overseas, arriving here in a new country in need of a safe place to call home, they still have a long way to go before they feel safe and secure.
But together we can do something warm and wonderful this winter.
Right now, our funded partners across the UK are helping people get a warm bed, a hot meal or shower and a safe temporary home. Their project workers are helping people rebuild their self-esteem and providing vital knowledge, including access to services that can help people navigate systems of support that are fraught with challenges - like the asylum system. These incredible projects are helping rebuild lives and they’re helping create communities, standing shoulder to shoulder with people.
Your donations can help them do more. Supporting more families and more young people in desperate situations.
Give some winter warmth today and help keep mobile food clubs on the road and food banks stocked; keep temporary shelters, helplines and desperately needed support services open. You can give people the comfort of knowing that they matter, that someone cares.
Because we all deserve a place to call home. Please donate today.
Winter Cards

£10 could provide a young person with travel to meet a wellbeing mentor and have something hot to eat.

£20 could provide a crucial call to a specialised LGBTQI helpline, helping someone feel less alone.

£45 could provide one night of safe accommodation for someone facing homelessness.

£60 could provide an interpreter to support a young refugee through the complexity of asylum interviews.

£129 could cover all the critical expenses associated with entering employment, education or training. This could help someone at risk of homelessness take meaningful steps toward long-term employment and independence.
Your Impact
By donating, you'll be helping people all over the UK just like Hiba, Monika, Charlotte and Abdullah.
Winter Stories
Hiba's story
Hiba arrived to the UK, aged 17, not speaking any English. She volunteered at Midaye Somali Development Network to keep busy and to give back to the community.
Monika's Story
Originally from Poland Monika came to the UK in her twenties looking for work. She found herself in difficulty after a marriage breakdown and became homeless, sofa surfing with friends.
Charlotte's Story
Charlotte was 22 when she became homeless. That’s when she met Roundabout who offered her support to live independently.
Abdullah's story
Abdullah fled his home in Sudan three years ago to escape a militia group. Ahead lay a challenging journey to the UK. On his arrival alone, unable to speak English, and facing homelessness Young Roots were there to help.
Abdullah's story
Abdullah fled his home in Sudan three years ago to escape a militia group. Ahead lay a challenging journey to the UK. On his arrival alone, unable to speak English, and facing homelessness Young Roots were there to help.
Hiba's story
Hiba arrived to the UK, aged 17, not speaking any English. She volunteered at Midaye Somali Development Network to keep busy and to give back to the community.
Monika's Story
Originally from Poland Monika came to the UK in her twenties looking for work. She found herself in difficulty after a marriage breakdown and became homeless, sofa surfing with friends.

Please Give Now
You could make all the difference to people facing homelessness this winter. Your donation can help give them a place to call home.